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What’s happening in Craig’s world? - April 2018
Australia is a sports obsessed country and we have the highest regard for the hundreds of professional athletes competing in their chosen sport, at an...

What’s happening in Craig’s world? - March 2018
There’s been a bit of debate recently in the media about the merits of creating some form of dis-incentive for people using ‘older cars’ on our roads,...

What’s happening in Craig’s world? - February 2018
Bathurst is pretty much a generic word in our sport for Australia’s best-known and most-loved motor race.

What’s happening in Craig’s world? - January 2018
Take it to the track. That’s my advice to all those, mostly young drivers, you hear about on the evening television news getting caught for speeding...

What's happening in Craig's World - December 2017
The fantastic Adelaide Motorsport Festival turned out to be the perfect way to unwind after a long, hard and at times frustrating year.

What’s happening in Craig’s World – November 2017
ALTHOUGH THE YEAR isn’t yet over for me, like a lot of Australians at this time of year, I start thinking about taking a break over Christmas and New...

What's happening in Craig's world - October 2017
Bathurst 2017 was certainly not the sort of day we were looking for this year.

Australian Formula One Tyres - 2016 and 2017
Tyres play a significant role in the performance of a Formula One car in Australia as well as around the world. They mean the difference between finishing...

Our Guide to Formula One around the World
Formula One represents the technological pinnacle of all motorsport. It is one of the world’s biggest sporting events held in numerous countries. Usually...

Put A Brake On It
You are driving to work on a Tuesday morning on the freeway, when suddenly the car in front of you brakes. In that instance, you only have a split second...

Must Have Car Gadgets 2017
Your driving experience is going to change forever with the latest and greatest car gadgets being released in 2017. Not only are these gadgets affordable,...

What’s happening in Craig’s world? - August 2017
MANY THINGS play their part in motor racing success, most importantly performance, preparation and people. Get that mix right and you will be visiting...