The Latest & Greatest info from Tyrepower
Find the latest information, press releases, news from the tyre industry and more.

What are the Little Rubber Hairs on Tyres?
Ever noticed that your new car tyre always has little rubber hairs on it? Ever wondered what they’re for? While many people have theorised that they...

Guide to Properly Checking and Inflating Tyres
One of the most neglected routine car maintenance jobs is regularly checking tyre pressure and inflating them. However, doing so is essential for safety...

5 Ways Used Tyres Can Be Recycled
Every year, around 50 million tyres reach the end of their life in Australia. However, only a small portion of these are recycled with two thirds of them...

What's happening in Craig's world? July 2019
Tyres. They are round, black and keep you safely moving from point A to point B. They generally aren’t the first thing you think of before you get in...

How to Get More Mileage No Matter What You Drive
Petrol isn’t cheap, so doing what you can to keep your car running efficiently is always a good idea. Fortunately, it’s often as simple as practicing...

Tyrepower Safety - Tyre Wear & Tear
Are your tyres safe? Excessive wear and tear can be a real danger!!

Protecting Your Tyres and Wheels
It is common to spend a lot of time concerned with car security and protecting your vehicle from being stolen. What is less commonly thought about is the...

5 Tyre Safety Tips Before Travelling
Ensuring your tyres are in good condition is always important. However, it’s particularly important if you are planning on going on a road trip. Travelling...

Why is Driving on Under-Inflated Tyres a Bad Idea?
Many drivers are guilty of not checking tyre pressure often enough. However, one of the most important things you can do to improve road safety and keep...

What’s the deal with cheap tyres?
Every few weeks there is a new advertisement on television selling cheap tyres at unfathomable prices. To the untrained eye, it is easy to wonder why there...

In what is a hugely competitive space, Tyrepower has blitzed the Canstar Blue’s satisfaction ratings for tyre retailers in 2019. See the results

Recycle and Reuse Your Old Tyres
Many people are aware of the environmental blight that is old tyres. It’s estimated that Australians consume more than 20 million tyres per year. Having...