When was the last time your tyres rotated? Did you know it is recommended to rotate your tyres regularly? With a regular tyre rotation, you will minimise irregular tyre wear, premature replacement or worse, a blowout or tyre failure.
It is recommended by tyre manufacturers that you rotate your vehicle’s tyres at least every ten thousand kilometers, or every six months, whichever comes first. A tyre rotation is the moving, or rotating of tyres from one fitment position to another on your vehicle in a systematic way. This helps to equalise front-to-rear and side-to-side wear rates and wear patterns to the benefit of longer life and lower tyre noise.

Front and rear tyres are subject to different operating conditions. Tyres on driven wheels will wear more quickly than those on non-driven wheels. Front tyres which are responsible for steering the vehicle will as a result wear in a manner that the rears may not. Regular tyre rotations and basic maintenance ensure positional wear influences are reduced resulting in more even wear. Replacing tyres in complete sets allows you to maintain the original handling balance of your vehicle.
If you are experiencing further issues or tyre wear is still occurring after a rotation, there could be further problems involving your steering or suspension and should be looked at by an expert as wear problems caused by worn mechanical parts or incorrect tyre inflation pressures cannot be rectified through a tyre rotation. Tyrepower technicians can explore other possible causes for you, including improper inflation pressure and misaligned wheels.
As always, if you are unsure of your last tyre rotation and don’t have the confidence to perform the rotation, call into one of our stores conveniently located around Australia. Tyrepower has over 300 stores in all states. Simply check for your nearest store using our located here.
For further information call on one of our experienced tyre technicians on 13 21 91