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When To Replace Your Tyres

Do you know the age of your tyres?

When was the last time you changed your tyres for new? Do you know the approximate age of your tyres? These are questions most of us wouldn’t know if asked and the answer is right in front of us. You see, evey tyre has a build date and this date can be found on the sidewall of your tyres. In this article we’ll learn how to read this information so we don’t run the risk of driving on unsafe tyres.

Where and what is a build date number?

The build date is a series of four numbers following the DOT symbol. These numbers represent the build date and read as follows:

Build Date:

DOT 1218

18 represents the year and 12 is the week within the year that this tyre was built.

So, with this information the above build date is the 12th week of the year 2018.

So what does this mean for my tyres?

You must be wondering, “How old is too old?”. It’s recommended that a tyre older than 5 years should be checked regularly by a professional to ensure that it’s safe to drive on. This can be done during a routine service or call into a local Tyrepower store to talk to the experts.

When your tyres hit that 10 year mark, regardless of their visual condition it’s time to replace them. Tyres beyond 10 years of their build date are not only likely to be worn quite a lot but the tyre’s rubber compounds would’ve also broken down. This means that they will not grip as well as they once did, becoming dangerous and in need of replacement. Replacing all 4 tyres is recommended but we understand this is not always possible.

A little reminder - Don’t forget about your spare!

What happens if my tyres are 5 years or older?

It makes sense that your tyres are regularly checked and changed when needed, after all, they are the only thing connecting us with the road so it makes sense that we keep them in excellent condition.

So you have checked your tyre’s sidewall and found the build date, what next? If you are looking at 5 years or older, they will need to be thoroughly inspected by a professional beyond that at least once a year. This can be done during a regular vehicle service or inspection at your local Tyrepower store. One of our qualified technicians can assess both the external and internal condition of your tyres. Checking the condition of your tyres from home is as easy as taking a walk around the vehicle to visually inspect for any signs of sidewall damage and wear, bulging or uneven tyre wear.

So you need to buy new tyres!

So you have to buy new tyres. What next? First establish what type of vehicle you drive, SUV, passenger or 4WD? It’s important to give some consideration as to the kind of driving that you do to help you find the right tyres for your vehicle and driving needs.

Here at Tyrepower, you have the option of ZipPay to purchase a set of new tyres. This means that you can manage the payment of a set of quality tyres over a period of 2, 3, 6 or 9 months, completely interest free and don’t have to buy cheap tyres with an unknown guarantee of quality.

If you are at all unsure of your current tyre’s condition, it’s best to call into your local Tyrepower store. Our friendly staff can assist you with assessing your existing tyres as well as provide you with trusted advice on a set of suitable replacement tyres. You can find your local Tyrepower store in our store finder here, or call us on 13 21 91.
