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How Can I Test My Car Battery

How Can I Test My Car Battery

Don't get stranded with a dead battery! Learn how to test your car battery, check its health, and keep your car running smoothly with these expert tips.

Should You Get Run Flat Tyres?

Should You Get Run Flat Tyres?

What are run flat tyres, and why should you consider them? Discover how they can keep you moving in emergencies & why they might be your next upgrade!

How Often Should You Get Your Tyres Rotated?

How Often Should You Get Your Tyres Rotated?

Not sure when to rotate your tyres? Find out how tyre rotation can save you money, enhance safety, and keep your vehicle running smoothly.

How Long Do Brake Pads Last?

How Long Do Brake Pads Last?

Brake pads are essential to your safety. Learn about their typical lifespan, what affects their durability, and when it’s time for a replacement.

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Put A Brake On It

Get your Brakes Tested

You are driving to work on a Tuesday morning on the freeway, when suddenly the car in front of you brakes. In that instance, you only have a split second to do the same. After the shock wears off, you realise just how close you were to having an accident. Now just imagine for a moment if your brakes hadn’t been able to cope with the sudden halt. What would have happened?

As a car owner, it is vital that you have your brakes tested to ensure you are safe in moments of madness. The last thing you want is to become another statistic on the road toll.

Your Brake System

The braking system in your car is a complex system that is the single most important safety feature in your car. When you apply force to your brake pedal, brake fluid engages the system that forces the brake pad on to the disc rotor.

This causes friction which helps bring your car to a stop. The brake pads are fitted to the brake calliper, which is the part of the car that applies and releases the disc pad from the rotor. So, if you have trouble with your brakes, it is a sign to have them tested right away. Even the smallest components make the biggest difference.

Our Brake Test

When you book your car in for a brake test at Tyrepower, our specialists inspect the brakes carefully to ensure they are in good working order. We test the brakes for gripping and traction and whether your car shudders as you brake.

Depending on the condition of the brakes, the service could be as simple as replacing brake fluid. In more damaged brakes, disc pads and rotors may need to be replaced, meaning the service will take a lot longer.

Test Them Regularly

Your brake system needs to be in good working order to help keep your car safe on the road. As such, we recommend that you have your brakes tested regularly either every 6 months or every 6000-10,000 kms. Not only will this ensure your brakes are tested regularly, but your brake tester has a record of all the tests conducted. So, if you notice anything unusual about your brakes while you drive, simply come into one of Tyrepower’s centres and we’ll be able to diagnose the problem.

Safety is our main concern when it comes to brakes, so don’t risk it. We have significant brake testing experience, so you can rest easy knowing your car is in good hands.

Here at Tyrepower, we don’t just specialise in quality tyres. Our team are qualified to undertake all brake tests on all car makes and models with our 7-point safety check.

If you are worried about your brakes, book them in for a test at one of our Tyrepower centres today. Simply call us on 13 21 91 to learn more about how to keep your car safe as you drive. 
